Research Opportunities
The AAHA Research Collaboration Fund is co-funded by the:
- A+ Trust, Te Toka Tumai (the former Auckland District Health Board)
- Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland.
The fund also benefits from philanthropic support.
We provide seed funding grants to increase joint research projects and encourage researchers at both the faculty and Auckland’s three metropolitan hospitals to work together. This seed funding can help projects with national or international potential to apply for further grants, such as those for the Health Research Council.
Our funding pool increased in 2022 with the University’s Faculty of Science committing $50,000 towards the AAHA in recognition of the opportunity for its researchers working in the health space.

We prioritise projects that focus on:
- The scientific merit of the proposal
- Ability to contribute to the achievement of FMHS and ADHB strategic goals
- Potential to develop translational research opportunity
- The importance of the proposal, e.g. incorporating innovation or addressing a priority or gap
- The significance of, and opportunities, for the collaboration
- Feasibility of the proposal and ability to deliver
- Potential for the project to build research capability in the long-term
- Potential for becoming self-sustaining via external research funding
- Appropriateness of budget
All applicants must state how their research will be responsive to Māori health needs, cultural values and aspirations and how it will reduce health inequalities. We follow Te Ara Hika Guidelines for Māori research ethics.
This approach has produced 21 projects since 2015.
Apply for funding
- All research projects are needs-based
- Aucklanders must benefit from the research
- The project must help reduce health inequalities for Māori
- Outcomes must be feasible
- The work is done within a short timeframe
- It provides new opportunities for both researchers and clinicians
Application Documents
The AAHA calls for applications annually.