The Auckland Academic Health Alliance (AAHA) brings together three Auckland metropolitan hospitals with the University of Auckland to solve health problems collaboratively.
- We enable researchers and clinicians to work in true partnership
- All research projects are needs-based
- Aucklanders must benefit from the research
- The project must help reduce health inequalities for Māori
- Outcomes must be feasible
- The work is done within a short timeframe
- The research provides new opportunities for both researchers and clinicians
We bypass the constraints of the traditional bricks-and-mortar hierarchy. The process is clear and simple. Duplication of effort is removed. Funding is targeted. Results are measurable.
We prioritise projects that focus on:
- collaboration
- translational research
- building research capability in the long-term
- becoming self-sustaining via external research funding.

Our achievements are proof that the greatest medical advances come through the collaboration of academic researchers, clinical researchers, and clinicians.
Research Centres and Platforms
We extend our funding capability with direct links to the technical and academic skills of key University of Auckland centres for brain, heart and cancer research.
These centres are aligned with AAHA objectives – to translate research into practice.
Manaaki Manawa
Improving heart and respiratory disease outcomes, particularly for Māori and Pacific.
Te Aka Mātauranga Matepukupuku
Providing national leadership in transdisciplinary cancer research to improve the understanding, care, prevention and treatment of cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our work is supported by three key platforms.
Te Ira Kāwai
Auckland Regional Biobank
A collection of tissue samples to aid research across New Zealand.
Grafton Clinical Genomics
Provides consolidated genomics capability to support research, clinical and translational groups
Auckland Cancer Trials Centre
Early phase clinical research giving patients access to novel anticancer therapies.